I don't recall reading the Associated Press announcement, but there must have been a day about a decade ago when the "vacation" was removed from "summer vacation" and "enrichment" took its place. It might have occurred around the time that some public schools became "year round." As a student of sociology, I'm interested in the [ Read more ... ]

One of my students has a dilemma most high school seniors would give their facebook friends to have: she can't decide whether to attend Stanford or Yale. After all the hours of essay writing, traipsing across college campuses on guided tours, and conversations with current students, admission directors, and professors at both schools, she allowed [ Read more ... ]

Where to draw the line between childhood and adulthood is as old an issue as the concepts themselves. My own parents were both amused and annoyed that Stanford sent them the bills for my tuition, room, and board, but did not send them my grades because, as far as Stanford was concerned, I was a newly-minted adult (with the [ Read more ... ]

Now that I'm on the waitlist, do I really just wait? Although there is some variation among colleges in their instructions to students on the waitlist, most of them welcome a well-crafted letter that makes the case for admitting you if space becomes available in the freshman class. The letter should be respectful. If you begin with, [ Read more ... ]